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Interesting Cue. National? Gandy? Other?

Interesting Cue. National? Gandy? Other?

Anybody have any ideas on this?

It has an aluminum shaft insert. Shallow pilot. Brass 5/16x18 pin.

I am unfamiliar with the weight bolt.

Smooth leather wrap, really nicely done.

Interesting note is that the design is very similar to the Gandy HC-115, which had a white butt cap and black rings bordering the pearl ring in the butt cap.





Interesting Cue. National? Gandy? Other?

Replies & Comments

  1. Chopdocbilliardsforum on 5/3/2018 4:56:38 AM

    I am stumped on this one.

  2. ChopdocChopdoc on 5/3/2018 12:46:43 PM

    Yeah, tough one, eh? But I think that's one of the reasons I like it.

    The aluminum insert has got to be a clue. It is a quality cue, and I am happy to have it in my collection.

    Eventually maybe I will identify it.

  3. Chopdocjeschammel on 1/25/2025 11:06:32 PM

    I have a similar looking cue. I bought mine in 1972 when I was stationed at Keesler AFB, in Biloxi, Mississippi.

    My cue has a blue and black linen wrap instead of a leather wrap.

    I too would like to know who made mine.

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Interesting Cue. National? Gandy? Other?

  • Title: Interesting Cue. National? Gandy? Other?
  • Author: (Fernando Chaves)
  • Published: 5/3/2018 1:52:55 AM