Verify the Value of a "-Rich-" Pool Cue
2/26/2020 11:12:47 PM
Verify the Value of a "-Rich-" Pool Cue
I recently got this vintage pool cue from a friend of my dad.
Can you please value this Rich cue please?
Verify the Value of a "-Rich-" Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
Type79 on 2/27/2020 4:14:41 AM
These -RICH- cues in nice condition (straight, VG/EXC finish, no more than a couple of dings/dents) would probably sell for $75 - $100.
billiardsforum on 2/27/2020 4:31:12 AM
@Type79 - You wouldn't happen to have a brochure or catalog page showing this particular line, would you?
Type79 on 2/27/2020 5:24:34 AM
I do. Here is a quick upload. I have a copy of this brochure here somewhere and might have a better picture on another computer.
user1563853255 on 2/27/2020 7:51:48 AM
Thanks so much for the answer, you have a great day.
billiardsforum on 2/27/2020 2:29:45 PM
@Type79 - Thank you. I too have that image, but I don't see the cue in question in that lineup.
Type79 on 2/27/2020 2:37:59 PM
I don't either. I've only seen pictures of a few of these -RICH- cues with the different font logo. Undoubtedly from this general timeframe. Maybe someday another sales catalog will surface.
Verify the Value of a "-Rich-" Pool Cue
- Title: Verify the Value of a "-Rich-" Pool Cue
- Author: user1563853255
- Published: 2/26/2020 11:12:47 PM
- Last Updated: 2/27/2020 1:34:53 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)