What is the Value of a Meucci 88 Series Cue?
4/24/2017 8:07:04 AM
What is the Value of a Meucci 88 Series Cue?
I am trying to find out the value of a Meucci 88 series cue. Does anyone know?
It is the same cue from my original post where I was told it is a Meucci 88-1 from the Meucci 88 series of pool cues.
I'm trying to come up with a fair price for this to sell as I no longer need it it appears to roll straight both together and apart but does have a few scratches/dings what would be a decent asking price of a Meucci 88-1 cue stick?
I'm new to this so any helpful answer will be much appreciated.
What is the Value of a Meucci 88 Series Cue?
What is the Value of a Meucci 88 Series Cue?
- Title: What is the Value of a Meucci 88 Series Cue?
- Author: user1490354890
- Published: 4/24/2017 8:07:04 AM
- Last Updated: 4/24/2017 6:03:52 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)