Info and ID for a "J/R-5" Cue with Caricature on Butt Cap
11/28/2024 9:31:08 PM
Info and ID for a "J/R-5" Cue with Caricature on Butt Cap
Not sure about this pool stick can you help me
The sticker says "J/R 5" and the butt cap has a caricature of a pool player.
Info and ID for a "J/R-5" Cue with Caricature on Butt Cap
Info and ID for a "J/R-5" Cue with Caricature on Butt Cap
- Title: Info and ID for a "J/R-5" Cue with Caricature on Butt Cap
- Author: user1732847467
- Published: 11/28/2024 9:31:08 PM
- Last Updated: 2/19/2025 9:01:45 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)