Identify a Pool Cue with Letters "AC" as the Logo
8/25/2023 8:16:32 PM
Identify a Pool Cue with Letters "AC" as the Logo
I need help to identify the maker of this pool cue with the letters "AC" as the logo.
Also, a value for the cue would be nice.
Identify a Pool Cue with Letters "AC" as the Logo
Replies & Comments
TCummings on 8/25/2023 8:35:54 PM
I believe that logo is for Ariel Carmeli Custom Cues in California.
JJ Cues, on line, would have info as far as it's value.
Best of Luck,
Tim CummingsKCCC on 8/25/2023 9:45:57 PM
Ah hell, now everyone knows you're looking at that auction too and will plan on bleeding you! I know I would. ☺
Aiken on 8/28/2023 12:48:02 AM
@TCummings - You nailed it with the manufacturer! Thanks for the quick response.
@KCCC - How can I identify you at the auction? If you make a bid, I will know it is hopeless and bid no more.
KCCC on 8/31/2023 8:58:02 PM
I think you misunderstood my comment.
It's not that you needed to fear me or any other bidder, but rather, only that you needed to know that the auction was going to go big (for CTbids, that is).
The winner of that auction is the same person I had to outbid to get a Herman Rambo that showed up on there.
Are you the user
over at the auction? If so congrats! If not, better luck next time...
Identify a Pool Cue with Letters "AC" as the Logo
- Title: Identify a Pool Cue with Letters "AC" as the Logo
- Author: Aiken
- Published: 8/25/2023 8:16:32 PM
- Last Updated: 9/7/2023 5:34:32 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)