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What Kind of Cue Stick do I Have?

What Kind of Cue Stick do I Have?

Can you tell me what kinda pool cue I have here?


What Kind of Cue Stick do I Have?

Replies & Comments

  1. user1555088969billiardsforum on 4/13/2019 7:23:43 AM

    It's a bit hard to make out the cue you have in this photo.

    It is hard to see the details of the butt cap, forearm, and joints.

  2. user1555088969Chopdoc on 4/15/2019 8:43:10 AM

    Inexpensive low end Adam. You can most likely find it in the old catalogs.

  3. user1555088969billiardsforum on 4/15/2019 4:03:02 PM

    You were right. 1973-74 Adam Japan Catalog, It's an Adam M/A-4 "Doc Holliday" cue.


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What Kind of Cue Stick do I Have?

  • Title: What Kind of Cue Stick do I Have?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/12/2019 5:09:30 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/13/2019 7:16:41 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)