Identification and Value of Vintage Brunswick Pool Cue
1/21/2018 12:57:29 PM
Identification and Value of Vintage Brunswick Pool Cue
I purchased this pool cue because I appreciated all the wood inlay and research has left me dry.
I am wondering if anyone can help a girl out with an identification of the cue.
Identification and Value of Vintage Brunswick Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/21/2018 2:30:23 PM
How do you know it is a Brunswick pool cue?
tg7 on 1/21/2018 2:41:47 PM
The handle of the cue stick at the end has black rubber piece that says Brunswick.
billiardsforum on 1/22/2018 6:12:56 AM
So interesting, I have never seen any Brunswick cues with a rubber bumper like this, and I have literally hundreds of Brunswick cue brochures and catalogs dating from the 1920s to present day.
This cue is also very atypical of a Brunswick cue.
I will keep looking around for you though. And if you find out anything more about the cue in the meanwhile, please do let me know.
tg7 on 1/22/2018 7:36:09 AM
Thank you so much!
The handle is a square shape with rounded edges if that makes sense and inlaid on all four sides.
I was wondering if it was a custom piece or maybe a commemorative one?
user1540064571 on 10/20/2018 12:42:52 PM
I have the same stick and was wondering if you found any new info on it?
Chopdoc on 10/23/2018 5:35:12 AM
That rubber bumper is common, I am surprised you have not seen one.
Most likely it's because catalogs don't show it in pictures, and even pics of cues for sale often don't show it.
I thought of you when I saw this sale. The bumper is missing! LOL! They went to the trouble of a refinish (which looks horrible to me) and probably can't find an original bumper.
I know you have seen those Brunswick Personal cues like the above. Yup...that bumper.
I am betting you can identify this one! Guess what? Same bumper!
Once you know the above cue, the others in the same catalog have the same bumper, then you will realize you have seen a bunch of them and just didn't know they had this bumper.
billiardsforum on 10/23/2018 5:33:43 PM
Yeah and seeing this post again reminded me of this other cue identification request for a cue from this same style and series that you responded to:
It looks like it is in the 1969 Brunswick catalog, listed as the the Brunswick Sirocco cue (bottom one in the image):
Actually, now that I just wrote this, I remembered that I did identify this cue for someone else in April, 2018:
Identification and Value of Vintage Brunswick Pool Cue
- Title: Identification and Value of Vintage Brunswick Pool Cue
- Author: tg7
- Published: 1/21/2018 12:57:29 PM
- Last Updated: 9/18/2019 4:33:25 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)