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Silk-Wrapped Engraved Brunswick Cue

Silk-Wrapped Engraved Brunswick Cue

Can anyone provide any info on this silk-wrapped engraved Brunswick pool cue?

It has the name Brunswick on the rubber bumper.

IMG_20180509_111404.jpg IMG_20180509_111421.jpg



Silk-Wrapped Engraved Brunswick Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. Henry36Chopdoc on 5/17/2018 11:23:42 AM

    The wrap on this pool cue is not silk, it's Dacron, a synthetic.

    The cue is an import, made by Adam (Japan).

    The Brunswick model name was "The Sportsman" and this cue is found in the 1969 Brunswick Billiards catalog.


    Such cues go for around $75 on Ebay...sometimes much less. There was one that was relisted for months at $35 and didn't sell.

    Vintage 70's Brunswick pool cue - Schmelke?

    • Condition: Used
    • Ended: May 09, 2018 , 9:10 PM
    • Sold for: $75 USD
    • Tri-colored wrap (brown, yellow, tan/orange)
    • The forearm looks similar to that of the "Sirocco" cue made by Schmelke. Joint is the same as well
    • Intricate design on forearm
    • Pearlized charcoal and gold butt
    • Taken apart, the butt rolls straight. The shaft has a slight wobble, but it isn't bad. Together the cue rolls pretty good.
    • Cue weighs over 21 oz
    • Cue measures about 57 1/2 "





    Source: ebay.com/itm/Vintage-70-039-s-Brunswick-pool-cue-Schmelke-/282956407573

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Silk-Wrapped Engraved Brunswick Cue

  • Title: Silk-Wrapped Engraved Brunswick Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/17/2018 9:52:35 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/18/2018 6:31:43 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)