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Identify Windowed Pool Cue with no Maker's Mark

Identify Windowed Pool Cue with no Maker's Mark

I was given this windowed pool cue by a teammate in my BCA league to replace the one I cracked.

At first look I thought it was a cheap cue because the plastic or glass window made it look a little cheesy. A further look revealed it is well constructed with mother of pearl and a joint similar to those on higher-end cues.

Any help would be appreciated.





Identify Windowed Pool Cue with no Maker's Mark

Replies & Comments

  1. TerrenceChopdoc on 2/18/2019 3:19:48 PM

    Rich Cue, By Sol Rich in New York. Probably late sixties I am guessing.

    Model A in the catalog "The Cobra".

    Very cool cue to be given, and in nice shape it seems.


  2. TerrenceTerrence on 2/18/2019 3:29:32 PM

    Thank you very much for the response. Lucky me, he said he paid $5 for it at a Goodwill.

  3. TerrenceChopdoc on 2/18/2019 4:34:51 PM

    They usually go for a couple hundred or so.

    That's in nice shape too.

    I got an Abe Rich cue at a second hand shop for $3. It was in the umbrella stand.

    Take care of it. Enjoy it. Cool cue.


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Identify Windowed Pool Cue with no Maker's Mark

  • Title: Identify Windowed Pool Cue with no Maker's Mark
  • Author:
  • Published: 2/18/2019 10:53:26 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/18/2019 2:06:28 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)