Intermediate cue stick
10/30/2015 11:04:15 AM
Intermediate cue stick
Hi guys, I've been playing pool on and off for some 15 years now. I recently started to play more frequently, so i'm looking for a cue stick thats better than the house cues at the pool halls. I need something that i know will be straight. I know absolutely nothing about cue sticks so please let me know. I'm willing to spend anything below 200. Bang for the buck basically. thank you
Intermediate cue stick
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 10/30/2015 2:51:19 PM
Up there on the top right of this page is a green "tab" that says, "Billiards Equipment."
If you click on it, a list of topics appears. Go to "Choosing a pool cue."
Intermediate cue stick
- Title: Intermediate cue stick
- Author: Rafiki121 (Edward Pau)
- Published: 10/30/2015 11:04:15 AM