Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic
11/1/2023 9:34:27 AM
Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic
I need help to find information about this pool cue with a cobra snake graphic.
I read the answers to the question Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic, and thought it was one of those, but I asked McDermott via email and they said it's not theirs.
Who knows?
I attached few pics of the pool cue and hope to get some information and a value for it. I want to sell it since I don't play pool.
Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/3/2023 7:00:56 AM
That's correct, it's not a McDermott pool cue.
It appears to be an inexpensive low-end pool cue, and would be of no interest to a serious pool player.
It might be worth somewhere in the vicinity of $5 to $20 USD.
skoogilizard on 11/3/2023 3:27:02 PM
🙏 Hahah, thanks.
So it is a decorative cue only! 😁👍
Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic
- Title: Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic
- Author: skoogilizard (Juha Skog)
- Published: 11/1/2023 9:34:27 AM
- Last Updated: 11/3/2023 6:56:36 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)