Model Name and Value of My Adam Cue
2/5/2019 2:04:38 PM
Model Name and Value of My Adam Cue
Can someone name the model and value of my Adam pool cue?
Model Name and Value of My Adam Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/5/2019 4:58:16 PM
Couple of notes:
- The pool cue is of the Adam Cue brand, as the butt cap says.
- The cue case may have been "made in the U.S.A." but the Adam cue was not. Adam cues is a cue company based in Japan.
It's a very basic Adam cue model. Not very old or noteworthy and thus, has no value beyond what someone is willing to pay for it as a playing cue.
I think retail on this model was around $110 USD. The cue, in the condition that yours is in, is worth well less than that today.
A similar version is found in the 2013 Adam Cue concept book/catalog. The model is the "Adam NA-5N" cue from the Adam NA-5 series (which is the first cue on the left below).
Yours may be a bit older than 2013 though, but more or less the same model.
martin505 on 2/5/2019 5:03:55 PM
Thanks. It is certainly older than 2013, since I got it in 2005 or 2006.
Chopdoc on 2/5/2019 7:56:41 PM
Older, but not substantially.
Probably the same model.
The difference in age would not add up to any difference in value.
Model Name and Value of My Adam Cue
- Title: Model Name and Value of My Adam Cue
- Author: martin505
- Published: 2/5/2019 2:04:38 PM
- Last Updated: 2/5/2019 4:49:39 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)