Identifying Old Pool Cue with "Magnum" Logo on Forearm
5/19/2022 10:48:25 AM
Identifying Old Pool Cue with "Magnum" Logo on Forearm
I have a pool cue with the word "Magnum" on the forearm.
Can anyone help me identify this old pool cue?
Identifying Old Pool Cue with "Magnum" Logo on Forearm
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/20/2022 6:40:10 AM
In order to properly identify the brand and model, it would be best to see clear photos the remainder of the pool cue.
Additionally, if you can provide details on where you got it and how long you've had it.
However, there's one possibility based on what you've shared in your question above:
Billiard retailer Dynamic Billiard ( based out of Kirkel, Germany did a "Magnum"-branded line pool cues in the past. It could be from them. If that's the case, it's a reasonably well playing but lower-end cue mass-produced in one of the Asian countries. You might want to reach out to them with a photo or a link to this question as well.
...but that's a bit of a long-shot. There were a number of pool cue series branded "Magnum" by various manufacturers over the years, and without seeing the rest of the cue, it's tough to know.
Identifying Old Pool Cue with "Magnum" Logo on Forearm
- Title: Identifying Old Pool Cue with "Magnum" Logo on Forearm
- Author: user1652982504 (Brent Seifert)
- Published: 5/19/2022 10:48:25 AM
- Last Updated: 5/20/2022 6:03:50 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)