Adam Pool Cue "Made by Helmstetter" ID, Age, and Value
9/2/2024 9:44:32 AM
Adam Pool Cue "Made by Helmstetter" ID, Age, and Value
I have a pool cue with the "Made by Helmstetter" stamp on the forearm.
Does anyone have any idea of the age, origin and value of this two-piece Adam pool cue?
I bought this cue some years back in Sydney Australia, but used it rarely.
Would anyone be able to give me any info on the particular cue and its value.
Many thanks,
Adam Pool Cue "Made by Helmstetter" ID, Age, and Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/3/2024 7:37:57 AM
Thanks for adding the extra photo, but I still can't see the full cue. Again, I'm confident we can identify your Helmstetter pool cue if we can see a clear photo of the entire cue.
josheverton on 9/3/2024 11:39:36 PM
Apologies. Is this better?
billiardsforum on 9/4/2024 4:45:02 AM
No. It's the same photo as originally posted. We need to see the entire cue. This photo cuts off the butt cap/sleeve.
Take a new photo, with good lighting and the full cue in the frame.
josheverton on 9/9/2024 11:28:16 AM
Please see attached. I am not really seasoned at this.
Hopefully these are better shots. Many thanks for your patience.
billiardsforum on 9/10/2024 1:37:04 PM
Now we just need to see the butt-end (the FULL butt end) including the bumper. We need to see this part of your cue:
Please ensure they're clear photos.
josheverton on 9/11/2024 5:00:38 PM
Hoping this is what you require.
Many many thanks for the assistance.
billiardsforum on 9/12/2024 7:08:00 AM
Yes! That's the one I was looking for.
So I don't have an Adam Snooker cue brochure or catalog with this exact style logo, but I found two models which are basically the same, just from a slightly different time frame (hence the different logo).
The value of a cue like this is somewhere between $50 and $100 USD, give or take.
It is basically the same as the Adam S/N-1 snooker cue from the 1980s. The photo below this first photo is a later version of the same model. Yours is probably somewhere newer than the first one, and closer in date to the second one (which I, sadly, don't have a date for):
See also:
josheverton on 9/12/2024 7:55:01 AM
Thank you for all of your efforts in identifying this Adam snooker cue. I truly appreciate it!
Adam Pool Cue "Made by Helmstetter" ID, Age, and Value
- Title: Adam Pool Cue "Made by Helmstetter" ID, Age, and Value
- Author: josheverton
- Published: 9/2/2024 9:44:32 AM
- Last Updated: 9/3/2024 11:15:30 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)