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Find the Model Number of this Meucci

Find the Model Number of this Meucci

Can anyone tell me what model cue I have other than that it's a Meucci cue?


Find the Model Number of this Meucci

Replies & Comments

  1. user1509579460billiardsforum on 11/1/2017 7:56:15 PM

    You have a Meucci PC-2 from the Meucci "Paramount Collection" line.


    This line was made in the 1990s. From the Meucci Paramount Collection brochure:

    "Paramount Collection"

    A powerful new high-value line from the pencil of the Master Cue Maker, with the price and design targeting the player of the 90's

    Here is the flyer:


  2. user1509579460user1509579460 on 11/1/2017 8:37:51 PM

    Thank you very much for the speedy response and the information.

  3. user1509579460user1727383534 on 9/26/2024 4:45:35 PM

    Looking for model info and value of this meucci


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Find the Model Number of this Meucci

  • Title: Find the Model Number of this Meucci
  • Author: (David Warner)
  • Published: 11/1/2017 7:37:42 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/1/2017 7:47:40 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)