Identify the Joss Cue Model Number for this Cue Stick
8/18/2017 2:11:46 PM
Identify the Joss Cue Model Number for this Cue Stick
Anybody have any idea what model Joss pool cue is? I am trying to identify it.
Identify the Joss Cue Model Number for this Cue Stick
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/18/2017 4:50:12 PM
We've got lots of old Joss cue catalogs back at the office, but I am out on vacation for a bit. Will take a look when I get back.
dwnncbo on 8/21/2017 12:04:02 PM
Awesome would be much appreciated. Thanks.
billiardsforum on 8/28/2017 5:55:11 PM
Do you have any idea of the year if was purchased new, and perhaps where it was purchased?
I am stumped on this one. It looks like it might be one of a private label line made for distributors like Cue & Case Sales, but I still couldn't locate it in their line.
dwnncbo on 8/28/2017 6:06:36 PM
No, it was with a predator spju retired model, but don't know if they were purchased around the same time.
Identify the Joss Cue Model Number for this Cue Stick
- Title: Identify the Joss Cue Model Number for this Cue Stick
- Author: dwnncbo
- Published: 8/18/2017 2:11:46 PM
- Last Updated: 8/18/2017 4:05:55 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)