Old Brunswick Identification
4/7/2019 4:37:47 PM
Old Brunswick Identification
Anyone have info on this old Brunswick? Thanks, Jack
Old Brunswick Identification
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/7/2019 4:57:51 PM
It's a Brunswick Master cue (or a Brunswick Master II cue) (M and MII), first seen in the 1977 Brunswick cue catalogs and last seen in the 1979 catalog as far as I know.
The Master II cue had a maple shaft instead of the standard French white ash shaft on the Master I.
They aren't particularly sought-after, and don't really command much in terms of sale price.
Chopdoc on 4/8/2019 3:57:22 PM
Further, these Brunswick cues were made by Dufferin in Canada.
@billiardsforum - can you confirm the Brunswick Master cue line was made in Canada? Any of your resources show that?
user1552469428 on 4/8/2019 4:29:59 PM
I have another Brunswick cue - if you don't mind, I'd appreciate any information you know about it.
I know these old Brunswick cues aren't worth a lot of money but I like shooting with them.
billiardsforum on 4/8/2019 5:02:40 PM
@Chopdoc, I've heard this before as well, but I don't have anything that proves it one way or another.
@user1552469428 - It looks like we already replied to you on that one... What else do you need?
user1552469428 on 4/8/2019 5:14:18 PM
I think both old Brunswick joints have 3/8" but I'm not sure of the threads per inch either? Do you have any idea?
Otherwise, I'm good - Thanks for all the help! Appreciate everyone's time!
Old Brunswick Identification
- Title: Old Brunswick Identification
- Author: user1552469428 (Jack Arrowood)
- Published: 4/7/2019 4:37:47 PM