ID Cue with Nice Points, Full Blank, and Pointed Joint Pin
3/31/2019 4:01:36 PM
ID Cue with Nice Points, Full Blank, and Pointed Joint Pin
Do you recognize this cue with a pointed joint pin and unusual bumper?
A customer brought it in after 30 years of having it in storage, and it bears classic signs with the full blank beautiful veneer construction. I am not sure if it is meant to have a bumper!
Please let us know your insights!
ID Cue with Nice Points, Full Blank, and Pointed Joint Pin
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 3/31/2019 4:06:26 PM
It's an Adam cue. Maybe first catalog. About 1970. It was bumperless I believe.
Adam sold the bumpers separately and they are nearly impossible to find now.
I'll have to dig to find the model. Maybe someone else will come up with it in the mean time.
billiardsforum on 3/31/2019 4:18:50 PM
Adam AH7 cue.
RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 3/31/2019 10:12:37 PM
Thank you for verifying the maker is Adam and providing a photo which includes the model #AH7!
Chopdoc on 4/1/2019 9:59:35 AM
Yours has a brass insert in the shaft so either it isn't the earliest version of Adam, or it is a replacement shaft.
The earliest versions had aluminum inserts. Not sure when this model started.
I would guess this is early to mid-seventies?
ID Cue with Nice Points, Full Blank, and Pointed Joint Pin
- Title: ID Cue with Nice Points, Full Blank, and Pointed Joint Pin
- Author: RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum (David Merring)
- Published: 3/31/2019 4:01:36 PM
- Last Updated: 3/31/2019 5:38:21 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)