Identifying a Few Pool Cues, McDermott and Others
10/28/2021 8:54:09 AM
Identifying a Few Pool Cues, McDermott and Others
I need help to identify these pool cues which came with a pool table I bought.
I know two of them are McDermott cues, but I can't find the model numbers for them anywhere.
I also have no clue what brand the others even are.
Are any of these sticks valuable? I've tried finding the exact models of them but I'm having trouble. Please help me identify the pool cues.
Thank you.
Identifying a Few Pool Cues, McDermott and Others
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/9/2021 2:17:44 AM
From left to right, you have the following pool cues:
- McDermott C1 Cue - From the McDermott C Series. It was made and sold between 1980 and 1984. It's original MSRP was $300. I provided a value assessment in an answer to your McDermott C17 cue value question.
- McDermott MG01 Genesis Cue - From the McDermott MG Genesis Series (or similar). It was made and sold between 2002 and 2009. It's original MSRP was $189. NOTE: It may not be this exact model and may be from an earlier (or later) series, but it is materially the same.
- "Harvard" brand pool cue. Model doesn't matter. It's an inexpensive import cue that wouldn't be worth anything to the serious pool player. They were sold through stores like Sears, etc. for between ~$10 and ~$30.
- "Minnesota Fats" branded pool cue. Again with this one, the model doesn't matter. It's an inexpensive import cue that wouldn't be worth anything to the serious pool player. These would have been sold through some big box stores for under $40 brand new.
- Adam Cue, model unknown - This is a japanese-made pool cue that would have been sold in the USA. They made good quality pool cues, but this one is more basic in design and materials, so it's at the lower-end of the Adam Cue spectrum.
The McDermott C-17 cue is by far the most valuable. Next is the other McDermott cue, followed by the Adam cue.
the dude on 11/9/2021 9:06:47 AM
Thank you so much for the detailed response! Very helpful!
Identifying a Few Pool Cues, McDermott and Others
- Title: Identifying a Few Pool Cues, McDermott and Others
- Author: the dude (Beau Davis)
- Published: 10/28/2021 8:54:09 AM
- Last Updated: 11/9/2021 2:22:39 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)