How Much is a McDermott C17 Cue Worth?
10/29/2021 4:33:06 AM
How Much is a McDermott C17 Cue Worth?
How much is my McDermott C17 cue worth?
I've got a few cues that came with the pool table I bought and I believe they are valuable. I am not certain however.
How Much is a McDermott C17 Cue Worth?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/9/2021 2:43:44 AM
The McDermott C17 cue had an original MSRP of $300.
Cues from this series are fairly well sought-after by McDermott cue collectors and enthusiasts, however, condition is everything. Many consider the McDermott C-Series one of the best ever made by McDermott.
Also see this previous post in the "show off your cue" section:
Your McDermott C-17 cue is really beat up and most collectors would have to send it off to be refinished, at a cost of between $100 and $200 or more.
To give you an idea, a McDermott C-17 cue was for sale in 2018 in good shape with three matching shafts for $850.
Here is another one for sale right now on eBay from a reputable pool cue dealer, The Pool Cue Shop. It was sent off to McDermott for a full refinishing, leather wrap installation, and to have a new matching shaft made. It is selling for $1350 USD. If a non-dealer was to sell the same cue, it would sell for a bit less (just like the same automobile might sell at a used car dealer for more that it would sell for from a private seller).
user1636926089 on 11/14/2021 1:41:29 PM
If you are interested in selling the McDermott C17 cue, I would be interested as a buyer.
Let me know if you are interested in selling it.
How Much is a McDermott C17 Cue Worth?
- Title: How Much is a McDermott C17 Cue Worth?
- Author: the dude (Beau Davis)
- Published: 10/29/2021 4:33:06 AM
- Last Updated: 11/9/2021 2:47:36 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)