Help Identifying Pool Cue
7/23/2022 9:50:25 PM
Help Identifying Pool Cue
This cue stick was given to me and I was wondering if anyone could help me identify it.
Help Identifying Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/18/2022 8:04:02 AM
It appears to be a low-end imported pool cue. It likely would have been sold in big box stores, etc. for somewhere between $19.99 and $49.99.
In general, it would have no value to a serious pool player.
The Kao Kao factory produces a similar model, their 6117 (which the buyer would then apply their own model names/numbers to).
Help Identifying Pool Cue
- Title: Help Identifying Pool Cue
- Author: kxstratt
- Published: 7/23/2022 9:50:25 PM
- Last Updated: 8/18/2022 7:48:39 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)