Two McDermott Pool Cue Model Identifications
5/11/2021 12:08:56 AM
Two McDermott Pool Cue Model Identifications
These two McDermott pool cues were handed down to me from my Father, and he has had them for quite a few years—I’d say around 15 years or so.
I’ve searched relentlessly trying to figure out which McDermott cue model these are and can’t come up with a positive answer.
If anyone who sees this happens to know the model and worth of these cues, please leave a comment.
Two McDermott Pool Cue Model Identifications
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/21/2021 2:25:52 AM
I think they're from the McDermott EB Series (sold between 1990 and 2001).
The prices you see on each of the photos below are the retail prices (at the time) and the Blue Book of Pool Cues prices (circa 2005, which are no longer relevant).
They're super basic models, worth around $100 to $150 each.
McDermott E-B2 cue:
McDermott E-B9 cue:
Two McDermott Pool Cue Model Identifications
- Title: Two McDermott Pool Cue Model Identifications
- Author: Ryan-Rod (Ryan Rodriguez)
- Published: 5/11/2021 12:08:56 AM
- Last Updated: 5/21/2021 2:16:17 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)