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Info on a "Masada" Pool Cue

Info on a "Masada" Pool Cue

Can someone help me figure out what pool cue this is?

I've had it for a long time so I'm pretty sure that it is pretty old. I can't seem to match it up with any pics of pool cues on the internet.

Thank you.


Info on a "Masada" Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. jwslebilliardsforum on 3/7/2025 4:49:31 PM

    I don't recognize the "Masada" brand at all.

    The only thing I could find were two references to possibly being Meucci knock-offs, but unfortunately, nothing concrete.

    Meucci / Masada Pool Cue


    I did some research, and it appears to be a line that was made for European distribution.


    It is a fake, a knock off, talked to Bob, he said no way but he was a little flattered.

    Source: forums.azbilliards.com/threads/meucci-masada-is-this-worth-anything.291670/

    I couldn't make much sense out of that thread, but those are the important bits.

    Then, the 2nd reference was a sale in Europe, and in this classified ad, they mention Meucci and Masada together here as well:

    Meucci Masada BB4 + Pool Cue


    I have a very nice cue from Masada / Meucci for sale. Simple but very classy design.

    The condition is really good, the leather is probably a LePro at around 13mm wide, the playing characteristics are rather hard and crisp (yes, even a Meucci can do that sometimes).

    The weight with the weight screw is around 19.5 ounces, but the weight screw is only included, as is the bumper. Instead, an insert is screwed into the wooden thread so that an extension can be used. This makes the weight just under 19 ounces. The extension is a piece of a former Challenger J/B cue, with a quick thread of course.

    Price is 140 euros including postage.

    Source: billard-aktuell.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32944

    Unfortunately the images shared in those posts are no longer available online.

    I do look at a lot of pool cues, so if I come across anything else, I'll post it here.

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Info on a "Masada" Pool Cue

  • Title: Info on a "Masada" Pool Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/2/2024 9:25:41 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/7/2025 4:11:54 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)