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Fury RP Series Pool Cues

Fury RP Series Pool Cues

Is the Fury "RP" line still available at the present time?

I am quite interested in this line of pool cues but currently there is almost no information about this line and the number of cues in it is also very limited.

Anyone who has information about this line or has any Fury RP pool cues to sell, please leave a comment below.


Fury RP Series Pool Cues

Replies & Comments

  1. hung263billiardsforum on 3/17/2025 6:35:09 AM

    What do you want to know?

    I have a few Fury Cue brochures for the RP series. I believe there are 10 cues in the series.

    The cue in your photo might be mis-labelled. I have two distinct brochures which show that model as a Fury RP-4.

  2. hung263hung263 on 3/17/2025 6:52:55 AM

    I want to know:

    1. The year of production of the Fury RP line,
    2. Are there still new RP cues being sold and if so, what is the price and where can I buy it?

    I'm pretty sure the RP line has real inlays, but what about the Fury NR line? Do they also have real inlays or just decals?

    Thanks for your information.

  3. hung263billiardsforum on 3/17/2025 7:09:45 AM


    1. The Fury RP series were produced roughly between 2002 and 2012, give or take a year.
    2. No.

    Also I noticed that your Fury cue's design was model #6 from 2002 to around 2005, then it changed to the RP-4 around 2005. Not sure why.

    Both the Fury RP series and the Fury NR series have real inlays.

  4. hung263hung263 on 3/17/2025 9:17:00 AM

    Thank you for all of the information!

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Fury RP Series Pool Cues

  • Title: Fury RP Series Pool Cues
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/17/2025 3:58:36 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/17/2025 6:38:16 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)