Windowed Abe Rich Cue
5/16/2019 12:29:22 PM
Windowed Abe Rich Cue
Sharing my Rich-Q window cue at the request of @Chopdoc.
Windowed Abe Rich Cue
Replies & Comments
RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 5/22/2019 9:47:28 AM
I have a collection of Abe Rich cues and some Izzy Rich Cues.
Abe Rich moved to Jacksonville, Florida from Long Island, NY, and continued making Cues, creating "Florida Cues" as his brand with palm trees in the logo.
Izzy Rich moved to Miami, Florida, and his brands were "Rich Q" using the logo you show in these photos, and "Miami Cues".
Correction: Having just read the obituary of Abe Rich, it reveals that after surviving the Nazi's in WWII by making shaving brushes and razor handles for officers serving in Lithuania and toys for their children, and later at the Dachau death camp, he carved wooden clogs for fellow prisoners and wooden canteens for the guards who tormented them, Abe Rich joined his older brother Morris in Miami: "In 1962, Abe decided to join Morris, who was running a successful wood shop in Miami. He stopped in New York to visit an uncle, Izzy Rutschaisky, cue maker to celebrities like Fred Astaire and Erroll Flynn, and stayed a year to apprentice." In Miami, Abe worked with Morris until 1973 then opened his own shop. As Abe Rich of Miami Beach, he created custom cue sticks in a tiny workshop at 428 Jefferson Ave. Initially Florida Cue, the company now is called Star Cue Manufacturing, listed in the Blue Book of Pool Cues. (Interestingly, the logo on my Cue shows an address for Miami Cues of 98 N W 29th St. Miami, FL)
Though he never advertised, Abe sold to professionals as well as amateurs. Minnesota Fats once bought four cues and Jackie Gleason, who portrayed the legendary pool shark in The Hustler, bought one inlaid with diamonds, rubies and sapphires.
Bottom line is that "Rich Q" and "Miami Cue" are brands of Izzy Rich, whereas "Florida Cue" was a brand of Abe Rich.
Attached are 2 photos of examples side by side.
Chopdoc on 5/23/2019 7:34:01 AM
Very cool, thank you, but not an Abe cue as was posted.
optimusprimerib on 5/30/2019 10:11:29 PM
Thanks so much, guys. That was very informative.
I won another one recently that is quite a bot more elaborate and now I know what I really have.
RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 6/14/2019 9:59:12 AM
Here are photos which include a cool, newly acquired, Izzy "Rich Q" (on the right) I received yesterday. I purchased this Izzy Rich Cue in part because it carries an unusual logo that I had not previously seen! This design incorporates the image of a Cue in the lower line of the "Q", which aims at the dot above the "i", which is a cue ball! This logo is not placed on the butt and it is not a sticker. Rather it appears to be either painted on the wood or a decal placed upon the forearm of the cue.
I plan to have Proficient Billiards install a new tip and refinish the cue in order to seal and protect the logo.
This logo was designed by Abe Rich's Uncle Izzy for use with his brand, "Rich Q".
Thought you would like to see this for comparison purposes.
If anyone has other logo designs used by the Rich (Rutschaisky) family, please post photos here!
billiardsforum on 6/28/2019 10:10:05 AM
Thanks for sharing those photos.
I really dig that cue on the right. One of the coolest Rich Q cues I've seen to date.
Chopdoc on 7/2/2019 3:27:14 PM
You seem to like these Rich Q cues.
Have you ever seen the 76E and 76F models from the 1976 catalog? Those are the Pabst Blue Ribbon and Budweiser window cues.
I like to say the Rich Q Budweiser cue and McDermott Budweiser cue are the best Budweiser cues ever made (aside from one or two customs I have seen).
I have both the 76E and 76F. I don't have a McDermott Budweiser cue yet.
billiardsforum on 7/2/2019 3:49:53 PM
It's not that I have a particular affection for Rich Q cues - it's just the style and design of that particular cue on the right. Specifically, it is the wood colors and they way they look together in the butt sleeve.
Regarding the Budweiser ones you mentioned - I've never seen them in person - just in the brochure image (which I think you shared on AZB a while back).
I wouldn't have pegged you as someone who would be drawn to the Budweiser cues, but I do agree with you in that they are the nicer ones of any of the Anheuser Busch-branded cues.
Chopdoc on 7/2/2019 8:48:26 PM
I actually meant the original poster.
But yes, I believe I have posted that catalog image. Not very a good pic but all I have.
I have eclectic tastes and these cues are hard to find and American made.
I'll post pics when I get some.
RackAndRollBilliardHallAndMuseum on 1/2/2020 8:49:35 AM
I recently had my Izzy Rich cue re-finished by Scott at Proficient Billiards in PA, mainly in order to seal in the RICH-Q decal beneath some finish to protect it. The result is nothing less than Stunning!
Scott refaced the cue to improve the roll, and now the tip does not lift at all and the roll is good.
He fused the butt and re-finished it, polished the brass, then installed a Kamui SS Black cue tip with a clear pad to ship it back to me.
It has a very solid hit, and has grab, all while looking awesome! I Love these old hand-turned cues. They feel different than any modern cue. More solid!
Check out the latest photos!
Chopdoc on 1/2/2020 9:14:27 AM
I love the refinish. Many people wouldn't bother to go to the expense with these cues. Beautiful example.
billiardsforum on 1/2/2020 5:29:59 PM
The cue looks amazing Dave. Thanks for sharing the post-refinish photos.
Windowed Abe Rich Cue
- Title: Windowed Abe Rich Cue
- Author: optimusprimerib
- Published: 5/16/2019 12:29:22 PM
- Last Updated: 5/22/2019 2:33:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)