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ID and Value of an Older Adams Cue

ID and Value of an Older Adams Cue

I was recently told that this is an Adam cue made by the Adam Cue Company - the maker of Adam, Balabushka, and Helmstetter cues.

Adam also makes a few different lines of limited edition collector cues.

Can anyone verify this particular model and if so, offer any information as to it's year of production and how much I can sell it for?

I am also open to selling it if anyone wants to make me an offer.

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ID and Value of an Older Adams Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. LoloChopdoc on 8/28/2019 9:35:06 AM

    That's a lower-end Adam decal cue, meaning the designs are not real inlays. It has a synthetic wrap, not linen.

    The cue is not terribly old, but it looks to be slightly rough condition and the decals are out of alignment.

    You don't show the shaft so I have no idea about that.

    The cue may be worth $50 to $100?

    I am a collector and I wouldn't touch it for $20, but people on Ebay often go for stuff like this thinking it's something more valuable than what it is.

    When I get time I'll see if I can find it in my Adam catalogs to get the exact model.

  2. LoloLolo on 8/28/2019 10:28:29 AM

    I think you are making accusations and down-grading the cue without even knowing a damn thing about what it is made out of.

    The shaft IS LINEN, for your info.

    The decals are in alignment. It is just the picture that is crappy.

    If you are a collector, then please can you tell me where I can find info on the design? What it may mean? Maybe the year(s) the model was in production?

  3. LoloChopdoc on 8/28/2019 10:53:50 AM

    The shaft is linen? I think you mean the handle, but I don't think it is.

    No. I am not making any accusations. I am just responding with matter of fact.

    Yes, I am a cue collector.

    The design is abstract and means nothing. It is a variation on common "art deco" cue design features.

    When I get time, I'll have a look in my catalogs, as I said.

  4. LoloType79 on 9/2/2019 11:53:48 AM

    I looked through my Adam catalogs as well as all three editions of the Blue Book of Pool Cues, and this cue is not shown, but that is not very surprising. The volume of cues that Adam produced is staggering and not just because of the number of cues but they also created series, after series, after series of cues. Yes they made limited edition cues but that doesn't necessarily translate into great value.

    It would have been very helpful if you had posted pictures of the joint and pin because that would have helped determine the general level of your cue. For example, if it does not have a conventional pin, it is a very low level Adam.

    I own many cues, some quite valuable and others not worth $100. Two of those are Adam cues, so I am being objective when I say that generally speaking Adam cues are not valuable. The primary reason is simply because so many were made and with the exception of a handful, all were production cues. Of those production cues there are probably only a handful of models that sell for possibly as much as ~$600 to players who specifically collect Adam cues, but those are quite elaborate models and at that price point would be in pristine condition.

    If you search "sold" eBay auction listings for Adam cues you will find that those in nice condition have sold for an average of $100 with some as low as $30 and others approaching $200.

    @Chopdoc is an experienced vintage cue collector and I would respect his opinion. In this case and without clear close-ups and for a number of reasons, I am also of the opinion that the artistic details on your cue are decals.

  5. LoloChopdoc on 9/2/2019 12:41:18 PM

    I did finally get through my catalogs as well and can't find this one.

    As you, I am not surprised, and I don't think it means much.

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ID and Value of an Older Adams Cue

  • Title: ID and Value of an Older Adams Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/28/2019 7:25:20 AM
  • Last Updated: 9/18/2019 6:23:50 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)