What Model Viking Cue Do You Think This Is?
1/28/2024 8:43:41 PM
What Model Viking Cue Do You Think This Is?
What model is my Viking pool cue?
I got this in 2000, at the pro shop in my local pool hall.
I need a new shaft for it and would like to order the one that matches it.
Does anyone have any ideas on what model and/or year this Viking cue is?
What Model Viking Cue Do You Think This Is?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/4/2024 7:23:36 AM
Based on the logo style, it should be either:
- A model from the Viking K series (for which I do not have the catalog, nor does the Viking cue archives).
- A customized Viking VM-16 cue from the Viking VM series (1999 to 2004). Yours has green veneers instead of red, and darker-stained points. Otherwise it appears identical based on what I can see from your photos.
I know that this doesn't give you a concrete answer that you can rely on to order a replacement shaft.
As such, I've reached out to Viking cue, and some other folks to try to get more info. I will let you know here if anything relevant comes back. They usually respond to me within a week.
jeremiahchong on 2/4/2024 8:07:57 PM
It does look a lot like this Viking VM16 cue, which I believe is from the Viking Millennium series. I am curious about whether or not the K-series has any that look like it.
Do you think those different models would need different shafts?
I'm realizing if I buy a new one it probably won't have the matching dotted line bordered in green like mine.
I am looking into a pro shop where he says he may be able to straighten up my warp and re surface it too.
I'd love to hear more if you get any further information.
Thanks for what you found so far.
KCCC on 2/4/2024 8:57:37 PM
If you want a matching shaft for your cue, just email Viking with a picture of the shaft and joint separate so they can see the screw, and they can make you a matching shaft.
They have made plenty for me!
What Model Viking Cue Do You Think This Is?
- Title: What Model Viking Cue Do You Think This Is?
- Author: jeremiahchong (Jeremiah Friedenbach)
- Published: 1/28/2024 8:43:41 PM
- Last Updated: 2/4/2024 6:46:02 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)