Best Way to Sell Chudy Rc3 Cues
6/10/2018 3:48:06 AM
Best Way to Sell Chudy Rc3 Cues
My late husband collected pool cues. In his collection are 2 Chudy Rc3 cues. They have never been used.
There is also a Heubler chessman, and many Joss cues made custom by Dan Janes.
Where is the best place to sell them?
Best Way to Sell Chudy Rc3 Cues
Replies & Comments
Meyersp on 8/10/2018 8:43:26 AM
First, my condolences to you and your family.
There are several options to sell your cue.
- In addition to this forum, there are other active forums out there that might provide information.
- You can find a pool consignment shop online. For example: I've never used them, but doesn't hurt to talk to them.
- And there is also craigslist, not recommend, and ebay. Ebay will reach the largest audience and get you closer to actual value.
- You can also call Richard Chudy and see if he will help you. His website is This might be my first place to start. He might have a waiting list of people looking for one of his cues. He is a really nice person.
If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Best Way to Sell Chudy Rc3 Cues
- Title: Best Way to Sell Chudy Rc3 Cues
- Author: poolwidow
- Published: 6/10/2018 3:48:06 AM
- Last Updated: 6/10/2018 8:15:36 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)