Information on a Stingray Pool Cue
4/4/2022 12:07:38 PM
Information on a Stingray Pool Cue
I just purchased this Stingray cue on eBay but I can’t find anything on this cue maker.
If anyone can share anything about the Stingray pool cue brand, I would appreciate it.
Information on a Stingray Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/7/2022 4:02:49 AM
The logo is from Stingray Cue Tips.
I had read somewhere that the Stingray pool cue brand was done by Imperial International (Imperial USA) for Stingray, but I can't find the reference anymore.
I also came across this old eBay listing for a Stingray pool cue which was titled "Imperial Stingray Pool Cue".
Other than that, I don't have any further info on Stingray cues. It might be worth reaching out to Stingray Cue Tips or Imperial USA to inquire further.
poolmaniac on 4/11/2022 8:11:23 AM
Hey thank you!
I had seen that Stingray Cue Tips logo before. I will reach out to them.
It’s a great hitting, great quality production pool cue for sure.
Information on a Stingray Pool Cue
- Title: Information on a Stingray Pool Cue
- Author: poolmaniac (Greg Gardner)
- Published: 4/4/2022 12:07:38 PM
- Last Updated: 4/7/2022 3:25:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)