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What's Behind the Name BHQ of Brent Hartman Cues?

What's Behind the Name BHQ of Brent Hartman Cues?

Several people have asked about my name as a cue maker, "BHQ". It is BRENT HARTMAN with a play on "cue" at the end.

You may get a chuckle out of this, but, true story. If you have seen the movie Harry & the Hendersons, when George's father wanted to track the Bigfoot sightings, he said "the gun shop could become Bigfoot Head Quarters, or BHQ." They seemed the appropriate initials to me, more so than than BHC.

So that's my story and how BHQ came about. It can also stand for Bonehead Hillbilly Ques. I thought I'd beat Varney and Dale to the punch here, lol.

I don't care how I'm known, as long as I am known as the guy that can give you a decent cue at a decent price.

What's Behind the Name BHQ of Brent Hartman Cues?

Replies & Comments

  1. BHQBishop on 7/5/2007 9:21:33 AM

    I like Bigfoot Headquarters the best.

  2. BHQdjkx1 on 7/5/2007 10:55:22 AM

    I know I told you a long time ago, and so have others, that you would quickly become busy and develop a great reputation. You do what you say, and provide a very good product, and at a price that is more than fair.

    Hopefully you continue to enjoy your work. I sure enjoy the cues you made and I could'nt be happier with the customer service you provide.

    Keep it up, BHQ, aka Brent, aka DA MAN.

  3. BHQjeffduke on 7/12/2007 4:18:43 PM

    I'm not telling you how I know this Brent, you gotta figure this out on your own, but YOU DA' MAN!

    I'll give you a hint... Right after I find a house-cue to send you to convert for me so I can see your work first-hand.

  4. BHQBHQ on 7/12/2007 6:52:40 PM

    That works for me! I have a bunch of Dufferins and old Brunswicks too.

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What's Behind the Name BHQ of Brent Hartman Cues?

  • Title: What's Behind the Name BHQ of Brent Hartman Cues?
  • Author: (Brent Hartman)
  • Published: 7/5/2007 7:01:29 AM