Help Identifying a Meucci Original Pool Cue
8/10/2016 11:50:01 AM
Help Identifying a Meucci Original Pool Cue
Hello everyone,
I have a pool cue that I have been told has not been used very often over the years the gentleman had it. It is a Meucci Original and does not have any distinct markings or designs to help in finding out what it is. I want to sell this as I do not need this quality of a stick for the small amount I actually get to play. I am trying to get a ballpark of a fair price and the type. It looks to be pre 1985 with the type of logo on it. It also has a flat bumper so from what I have read that puts it after 1980. Any other help would seriously be appreciated. If you are interested in buying it also let me know. It came with a Schmelke case which I would also include.
Again I appreciate any help you can provide!
Help Identifying a Meucci Original Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/10/2016 1:46:12 PM
You have a Meucci ST-2 "Low Run" from the Meucci Starter Series from the 1980s. These were the lowest-end cues made by Meucci at the time. They are not considered collectible but many consider them to be of high quality (e.g. from before Meucci quality went down hill) so you should have no issues selling it.
I can't help you with the value, but now that you know what it is, you should be able to take a look around the net and base your price on what other Meucci ST-2 cues are selling for.
user1470844200 on 8/10/2016 4:19:15 PM
Thank you so much! This will really help out! Is there any specific place on this site to sell things or is Ok to leave this post up?
billiardsforum on 8/10/2016 4:55:26 PM
You are welcome.
You can post the "for sale" ad in the Pool Cues for Sale section.
Help Identifying a Meucci Original Pool Cue
- Title: Help Identifying a Meucci Original Pool Cue
- Author: user1470844200
- Published: 8/10/2016 11:50:01 AM
- Last Updated: 11/20/2018 12:56:11 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)