Identify and Value Pool Cue With "1212" on the Butt
3/7/2019 7:14:24 AM
Identify and Value Pool Cue With "1212" on the Butt
Can anyone identify this cue and put a value to it?
It has the number 1212 on the butt cap.
Identify and Value Pool Cue With "1212" on the Butt
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 3/8/2019 4:47:35 AM
Players cue. Made 12/2012
I don't know the model. Cost 100 bucks or so brand new. I don't really watch their values so I don't know for sure but they are lower end cues, so not worth a lot.
Granted $100 is a lot for a pool cue to some.
Used? I dunno. 50 bucks?
Identify and Value Pool Cue With "1212" on the Butt
- Title: Identify and Value Pool Cue With "1212" on the Butt
- Author: user1551942864
- Published: 3/7/2019 7:14:24 AM
- Last Updated: 3/7/2019 6:09:52 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)