Value of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue (Blue Label)
12/7/2023 4:58:53 PM
Value of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue (Blue Label)
How much is a "blue label" Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional cue worth?
I have one of these Brunswick Hoppe pool cues with the Willie Hoppe signature, antique light blue label, two extra shafts, leather grip, and the original hard shell leather cue case.
The pool cue is in pristine condition.
I don't know the value, so can can anyone help with that, as I do want to sell it.
So what is the value of a Brunswick Professional Willie Hoppe pool cue?
The cue is for sale here: Blue-Label Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue for Sale
Thank you!
Value of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue (Blue Label)
Value of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue (Blue Label)
- Title: Value of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue (Blue Label)
- Author: user1701986330 (Kely Dimas)
- Published: 12/7/2023 4:58:53 PM
- Last Updated: 12/10/2023 4:55:25 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)