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High Deflection Pool Cue vs. Low Deflection Pool Cue

High Deflection Pool Cue vs. Low Deflection Pool Cue

I was reading about cue ball deflection today and the writer talked about pool cues in the context having a deflection rating.

For example, one cue might be a "high deflection cue" (or "standard cue") and one might be a "low deflection cue".

I don't understand how pool cues differ in this way. Can someone explain this is more detail?

Also, how can I tell if I have a high deflection pool cue or a low deflection cue?

High Deflection Pool Cue vs. Low Deflection Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. tearZeke on 11/25/2015 9:14:25 AM

    The notion that a significant difference exists between a HD (high deflection) shaft vs. a LD (low deflection) one is mainly a ploy used to market allegedly "superior" cue sticks that are anything but...

    A professional (hustler or tourney) might discern a difference between a HD and LD shaft, but guys not making a living from the game - wouldn't have a clue!

    Is there really a physical difference between an HD and LD shaft? Of course there is. Just like there's a difference between an 18 and a 19 ounce cue stick. Only 95% of all players wouldn't know the difference until they drag out the scale...

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High Deflection Pool Cue vs. Low Deflection Pool Cue

  • Title: High Deflection Pool Cue vs. Low Deflection Pool Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/24/2015 4:16:44 PM