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Can anyone identify this cue? How much is it worth

Can anyone identify this cue? How much is it worth

Can anyone identify this cue and tell me roughly how much it moght be worth?

I will be selling it havent played in 2 yrs due to back problems.

Can anyone identify this cue? How much is it worth

Replies & Comments

  1. RoniZiggy_Lee on 5/31/2014 3:28:44 PM

    Hey Roni, I can tell you that cue is made by a company called Adam I think they are made in Japan. I'm not really up on Adam cues. I don't think they command a high price. Good luck in your search.

  2. RoniMark Bellamy on 9/2/2017 1:54:51 AM

    What would you take for your Adam pool cue? I pay cash or PayPal.

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Can anyone identify this cue? How much is it worth

  • Title: Can anyone identify this cue? How much is it worth
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/31/2014 11:36:46 AM