How Old is My Willie Mosconi Cue?
9/8/2018 2:46:40 PM
How Old is My Willie Mosconi Cue?
I have what appears ti be an older Willie Mosconi pool cue. It weighs 19 1/2 oz, and is a 57" long, thread wrapped cue.
The small brown spots on the butt end of the cue appears to be where a small oval sticker was.
Can anyone tell me this cue's age and perhaps how much it might be worth?
How Old is My Willie Mosconi Cue?
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 9/11/2018 4:44:20 AM
I am guessing mid 1970's to mid 1980's. Hard to say exactly.
It is a Taiwan import cue. Not well made. It has a brass joint and screw on tip.
It is worth whatever you can get. They don't sell for much. $20 to $35? Occasionally a buyer on eBay will pay a lot more for such a cue, probably they don't know what they are buying.
Alan Taber on 9/13/2018 12:55:41 PM
Thanks for that. I saw that Mosconi cues don't go for much on eBay and I was hoping I had something special.
How Old is My Willie Mosconi Cue?
- Title: How Old is My Willie Mosconi Cue?
- Author: Alan Taber
- Published: 9/8/2018 2:46:40 PM
- Last Updated: 9/11/2018 1:52:20 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)