Info on a Possible RICH Cue
1/28/2021 10:41:40 AM
Info on a Possible RICH Cue
I'm trying to identify this cue I got in 1961. It has a blue and yellow wrap.
I think it could be a RICH cue by looking at the rubber butt cushion.
I always thought it was a Palmer but a guy that is a pro on Palmer cues says that it's not one.
I did some searching and found photos of RICH cues. The shape of the rubber he used is the same as the shape used on this 1961 cue I have.
Any info on the cue would help. Thank you for your time.
Info on a Possible RICH Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/30/2021 8:01:14 AM
It looks like it could be a Rich Cue Corp. cue, but not 100% sure.
Can we see a clear detailed shot of the joint, pin, and insert?
jopizza on 1/30/2021 5:10:28 PM
Here are the photos you requested of the old pool cue I have that may be a Rich cue.
billiardsforum on 2/1/2021 3:02:46 AM
It certainly looks like a Rich cue, though I don't have a brochure with a matching model.
jopizza on 2/1/2021 9:15:14 AM
Thank you for your time.
For now, I'll just assume its a good, old, straight cue, that I love.
Thanks again.
Info on a Possible RICH Cue
- Title: Info on a Possible RICH Cue
- Author: jopizza (Joseph Parisi)
- Published: 1/28/2021 10:41:40 AM
- Last Updated: 1/30/2021 7:40:54 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)