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4-Piece Pool Cue Stick Identification Help

4-Piece Pool Cue Stick Identification Help

I need some help identifying this (and a few other) vintage cues I came across.

This one is a four-piece pool cue, and has no markings.


4-Piece Pool Cue Stick Identification Help

Replies & Comments

  1. ayojustinbilliardsforum on 7/23/2024 5:49:07 PM

    This is an inexpensive imported pool cue that is poorly made from low-quality materials which aren't really suitable for quality pool cues.

    It would be worth somewhere under $15 USD, if that.

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4-Piece Pool Cue Stick Identification Help

  • Title: 4-Piece Pool Cue Stick Identification Help
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/2/2024 3:01:17 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/23/2024 4:32:46 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)