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Identifying a Vintage Pool Cue with a Lion Logo

Identifying a Vintage Pool Cue with a Lion Logo

I came across this pool cue (with some others) and was wondering how I can identify them because there are no markings.

This one has a lion logo on the shaft, and some stickers on the butt cap.



Here are the others:

Identifying a Vintage Pool Cue with a Lion Logo

Replies & Comments

  1. ayojustinKCCC on 7/2/2024 1:29:43 PM

    Others more knowledgeable than me will come along later but...

    This cue is an ADAM cue made in Japan.

    Regarding the others:

    • The cue "Made of the Finest Selected and Seasons Woods"—is an Asian Palmer cue knock-off.
    • All the others are Chinese or Taiwanese import cues.

    Of all five cues, there is not much here with any value.

    An ADAM cue collector might want the first one (shown in this question) for $50 to $75 USD. The same may go for the Palmer knock-off. But none of the other cues have any real collectible value.

  2. ayojustinbilliardsforum on 7/23/2024 6:23:58 PM

    I agree with @KCCC on all points (and I've also split this question out into separate questions for each cue).

    The engraved personalization or inventory number, however, would make it almost unsuitable for a collector, in my opinion. This isn't always the case, but these aren't all that hard to find in better condition. But yes, this is the only cue in your bunch that would have any value or quality to it.

    This cue should have (or once had) a sticker with it's model number directly beside (or above/below) the weight sticker on the butt cap. I can't see that in your photo.

    I am going to guess though, that it is an Adam M/A-10 "Ed Dalton" pool cue model from the Adam "Bandits" series (where each model was named after an infamous gangster).

    Here it is from an early 1970s Adam Cue catalog. It was available throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s.


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Identifying a Vintage Pool Cue with a Lion Logo

  • Title: Identifying a Vintage Pool Cue with a Lion Logo
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/1/2024 9:51:58 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/23/2024 4:31:51 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)