ID Cue with "Jim Rempe" on the Forearm
1/2/2020 10:24:32 PM
ID Cue with "Jim Rempe" on the Forearm
I need help identifying a cue with the name "Jim Rempe" on the forearm.
ID Cue with "Jim Rempe" on the Forearm
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/3/2020 2:30:29 AM
Can we see the rest of the Jim Rempe cue?
rollie on 1/12/2020 4:26:44 PM
I’ve had this Jim Rempe cue since the late 1970s or early 1980s.
BallBuster on 1/12/2020 4:38:56 PM
I am LOL at that Rempe Logo.
Jim Rempe was in love with his hair. In his later years it looked like he got it done at a woman's hair salon. No barber shop that I know would have even attempted a "permanent" hairdo on a guy.
But there was no denying Jim Rempe's pool skills. He championed the best practice drill of all time;
- You scatter evenly all 15 balls on the table keeping them off the rails.
- Then you place the cue-ball anywhere on the table and you shoot them in without the cue-ball touching a rail or any other ball
It is not easy. Rempe said
Do this for two weeks straight and "don't play no other pool"
rollie on 1/12/2020 4:42:49 PM
Back then I had a perm. I remember getting some strange looks at the salon.:)
I would love to know what my Jim Rempe cue is worth now. I remember that it was a couple hundred dollars back then.
billiardsforum on 1/13/2020 3:46:11 AM
@rollie, your Jim Rempe cue was made by Adam Cue of Japan.
It is the Adam JR-11 Jim Rempe "The Prince" cue (and it was second from the top of the line in that series). MSRP was just under $200 back then, I believe.
There was another one on this site a while back:
There is one for sale right now on eBay for $389.95 with zero bids - but he won't get that much. He doesn't know what brand or model it is, so I guess that price is just pulled out of thin air. Don't go by that price.
Vintage Pool Cue Unknown Used
Price: $389.95 USD (Buy it now)
Used Cue in excellent condition. Was purchased about 20 - 25 years ago. Has been kept in a temperature controlled environment and is in excellent condition. I believe this cue is an old Helmstetter/Adams cue but there are no markings of any kind on the cue. Cue seems to be very well made and has a very nice leather wrap. The barbell points and butt design are really well done. Piloted joint. Super condition (no wrap problems, lifted inlays or warped shaft) for a used cue. No Issues!
Update 1: I received an email from a knowledgeable person stating that this cue is an Adams Cue from 1978-1981 (older than I thought) a Jim Rempe model #JR-10. There is no Rempe figure on the butt cap or Adams marking anywhere on the cue.
Update 2: Another observer says it is a JR-11 model. Whoever the manufacturer or model # it is very well made. The leather wrap is as well done as leather wraps I have on custom cues I own. Full disclosure, I did forget when I wrote the description that the bumper rubber is missing, which really is no biggie but I wanted to mention it in case some missed it in the photos.
Now that you know what model you have, you can monitor eBay and other sites to see what they are selling for in today's market.
There are enough of these around in like-new condition that they won't command a great deal of money in the open market. If I had to sell one, I would put the value at somewhere between $200 and $350 depending on condition.
ID Cue with "Jim Rempe" on the Forearm
- Title: ID Cue with "Jim Rempe" on the Forearm
- Author: user1578003872
- Published: 1/2/2020 10:24:32 PM
- Last Updated: 1/3/2020 2:30:48 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)