Value of Ray Reardon BCE Snooker Cue Made in England
7/2/2023 4:29:26 PM
Value of Ray Reardon BCE Snooker Cue Made in England
What is the value of a BCE Ray Reardon snooker cue?
I have 2 BCE Ray Reardon signature snooker cues, made in England, and I’m hoping someone can help me with the value, age and any info.
I bought them in a cue case about 10 years ago from a thrift store (in Canada). They're in super condition—photos below.
I am looking to find the value of the Reardon cues, their age, and any other information you might be able to share about the cues.
Thank you so much
Value of Ray Reardon BCE Snooker Cue Made in England
Value of Ray Reardon BCE Snooker Cue Made in England
- Title: Value of Ray Reardon BCE Snooker Cue Made in England
- Author: justme
- Published: 7/2/2023 4:29:26 PM
- Last Updated: 7/20/2023 8:20:38 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)