Info on White Leaf Dufferin Butterfly Splice Cue
10/17/2019 6:36:44 AM
Info on White Leaf Dufferin Butterfly Splice Cue
I have a Dufferin cue that I thought was a white leaf, but is this possibly a silver leaf.
I am curious about the type of wood on butt, and if these are machine spliced. Also I believe it has a glide joint but no guide first, threading at top. This forum seems to have most info about old dufferin cues that I look for at garage sales. I will try to upload more pics and hopefully await to be educated by others.
Not sure what some markings mean aside from weight
These joints look more labour intensive, and I notice no guide pin before threads. Is this the norm.
I presume this is called a butterfly?
Were these hand spliced or machine spliced ?
I presume this is silver and not white
And below is the last one I will upload, sorry for volume it is hard to find accurate info on older dufferin cues. Are there any pics on forum of a gold leaf cue to compare and lastly is this a conversion cue or a factory 2 piece. Thank you all and any comments welcome good or bad
I also could post another cue that I purchased from england. From my basic knowledge it seems to be like a sneaky pete snooker cue . joint is wood on wood almost invisible joint.It is a plain jane that is straight and very low profile.
Info on White Leaf Dufferin Butterfly Splice Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/29/2019 4:58:56 PM
Great questions and great photos this month.
Hopefully the resident Dufferin experts weigh in. There are a few on here. Give it some time.
Dufferin on 12/16/2019 5:43:33 PM
Nice cue. I've been looking for a Dufferin cue like this, so let me know if you are interested in selling it.
My Dufferin cue knowledge is very light, but yes it is a Dufferin silver leaf cue, made from maple all the way through I think. Also, your assumptions seem to be correct. I've only ever seen the hidden joint (like phantom) on the 13 mm to 14 mm tip cues, but most of the 17 ounce maple cues I've seen from Dufferin have 9.5 mm to 10 mm tips.
Your photos don't show the tip, so if you could clarify the tip size it may help identify it. I also assume it would be a 57 inch cue (or possibly a 58 inch cue, depending what market it was designed for).
It looks like it is in very good condition.
Based on the joint type, butt cap, logo, and weight, I would think that the cue would be a Dufferin model from the 1990s, made out of Dufferin Canada before the brand was sold.
I know there are some guys on the forum that have a lot more knowledge about these cues. Good luck finding the info you are looking for.
I think the markings actually hint towards something but I cant remember what. I think they help identify the manufacture year, something to do with the trademarking around the time the Dufferin brand was changing hands, but I am not sure.
user1620099539 on 5/3/2021 8:39:00 PM
I have a couple guys that would be willing to get their hands on this cue if you are willing to give it a REALLY good new home.
Let me know.
Info on White Leaf Dufferin Butterfly Splice Cue
- Title: Info on White Leaf Dufferin Butterfly Splice Cue
- Author: buteo
- Published: 10/17/2019 6:36:44 AM
- Last Updated: 10/29/2019 5:09:36 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)