Meucci EC Series Cue Identification
7/28/2018 2:29:54 PM
Meucci EC Series Cue Identification
Help, please.
I have been trying to sell what I thought was a Meucci EC-5, and have received a lot of discussion about the correct identification. Unfortunately, the picture I posted here makes the stick look blue, but it looks green to me. I have other pictures that better show the color of the stick. I sold it one time and the guy gave me a lot of flack about it not being green.
Can someone please help me correctly identify this stick?
Many, many thanks.
Meucci EC Series Cue Identification
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 7/30/2018 1:34:56 AM
It's a Meucci EC-1, and is quite clearly blue in the photo.
The thing is, it was numbered as the Meucci EC-1 on some sites (e.g. billiard warehouse), and the Meucci EC-3 on others (, which might be leading to the confusion. Either way, it's "the blue one with the white butt cap" from the Meucci EC series.
Meucci EC Series Cue Identification
- Title: Meucci EC Series Cue Identification
- Author: user1532813393
- Published: 7/28/2018 2:29:54 PM
- Last Updated: 7/30/2018 1:48:58 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)