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Value of a Twisted Turtle Prototype Cue by Ron Daniels

Value of a Twisted Turtle Prototype Cue by Ron Daniels

I'm looking to find out how much a Twisted Turtle cue prototype is worth.

We purchased the cue at an estate sale and have finally identified the cue maker as Ron Daniels owner of Twisted Turtle Cue.

We finally tracked down Mr. Daniels who confirmed this stick was one of his early Twisted Turtle cue prototypes.

It has his initials "RD" and the initials "JQ" below it, which are the initials of the person who turned this cue for him.

Shortly after this cue was made, he patented the process he created to make his unique "twisted" wood design cues.

I would like to know any information on the value of this cue, as we would like to sell it.

  • The cue weighs 18.5 oz and is 57.5" long.
  • It is in very good playable condition, and it is very straight with no lift.








Value of a Twisted Turtle Prototype Cue by Ron Daniels

Replies & Comments

  1. kercolmegChopdoc on 7/16/2019 7:09:29 PM

    Looks like I guessed that one right.

    Hard to put a value on such a cue. Did the maker not have an opinion on that?

    I recognized the design elements, but I don't know what his cues go for.

    That this is an early prototype cue so perhaps it attracts collector interest.

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Value of a Twisted Turtle Prototype Cue by Ron Daniels

  • Title: Value of a Twisted Turtle Prototype Cue by Ron Daniels
  • Author: (Paul Lieberman)
  • Published: 7/14/2019 11:07:57 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/25/2019 4:06:10 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)