Girl trying to help Pool HallJunkie BF!
7/30/2012 11:17:48 AM
Girl trying to help Pool HallJunkie BF!
Hi there! I need some help mainly because I don't want my boyfriend to get ripped off. He's been playing pool for years so of course he has dropped some coin into getting the cues that suit his needs. When i first met him he literally told me that those cues are and will be the most important things in his life and sadly i think that has changed.
He's looking to sell his Predator cue. Its a Quiet Roller (the 02) and 2 shafts to go along with it a Z2 and a 314. Both shafts and the butt are in very excellent condition. He purchased both shafts and the butt off of last year and total price was $995. He's planning on putting them up on Ebay for 500, but he really doesn't want to have to sell them on there mainly because he wants them to go to a good home (until his dad passed down a custom Meucci that in his terms doesn't shoot as straight as his quiet roller).
My main deal is, is i don't want him to get either his hopes up on an asking price or get ripped off. Does anyone know of any reputable places that we could put the cue up for sale, besides ebay? Any suggestions on any part would do.
He loves his cues, I just don't want to see this go badly for him.
Girl trying to help Pool HallJunkie BF!
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 7/30/2012 2:45:09 PM
Buying and selling cue-sticks is a losing game. Anyone engaged in buying a stick for $995 and then selling it for half that could be a great shooter, but a bad business man.
Craig's list is better IMO but what he's asking is in the ball park. A used stick is a used stick.
And, if he really "loved" his cue, he wouldn't be selling them/it ;-)
The reality is, the stick does not make the shooter. The shooter makes the stick...
BilliardsBill on 7/30/2012 3:00:53 PM
Try AZ billiards. You can become a member for free and cues there sell pretty quickly when the price is right and I think you can definitely get a good price for a quiet roller with 314-2 and Z-2 shafts.
Mitch Alsup on 7/30/2012 5:06:20 PM
OK, so last year you BF bought tow cues and he wanted to hold onto them forever, now he wants to let them go.
I don't understand this kind of mentality (never had it personally), but I do understand that people such has he are what drives marketing, (and spaces that sell you rooms by month to put your excess junk.)
I would advise him to hold onto his cues, take care of them, play as much (or as little) pool as he likes, and not sell them. Were he to sell them and then buy some new(er) cue, he is sure to loose 50% just flipping the cue, maybe more. Buy once and cry once (which he did) then live with the choice for a long time (which he is not) is the way to achieve the desired toy collection in the end.
Zeke on 7/31/2012 6:09:43 AM
Mitch pretty much nailed it IMO.
Ditto what he wrote ;-)
ResidentElle on 7/31/2012 10:38:46 AM
I've honestly sat here for an hour or more trying to figure out how to reply to your comments. The best and most kinds thing i can say is Zeke, if you call it stick you might as well say triangle and the white ball.
The pool players I know could not see a good cue go unplayed. That's the situation here. He's not going to spend the proceeds from this cue and spend it on something shinier and newer. He's selling it simply because it goes untouched in his case. We have no place to store a "collection" of cue. At 26 he doesn't want a toy collection, he's not a retired dentist who has that much money to drop thousands of dollars into one cue then put it on the wall because it looks better than it plays. I understand that the cue does not make the shooter but if that were completely true than why aren't tournaments played with house cues?
BillardsBill- Thank you AZ was much more helpful.
Zeke on 8/2/2012 7:38:22 AM
Elle, your naivete regarding pool hall slang (cue vs. stick vs. CS, vs. whatever) notwithstanding, I'm glad you got an answer deemed acceptable.
If your BF's 26, logic would suggest you're in that age bracket as well? At that age, most would know what is meant when you show up at a table and someone asks, "Did you bring your stick"?
And no Elle, they're not asking if you brought your "triangle" or your "white ball."
Mitch Alsup on 8/2/2012 10:17:56 AM
@ResidentElle - Fair enough.
We have no place to store a "collection" of cue. At 26 he doesn't want a toy collection, he's not a retired dentist who has that much money to drop thousands of dollars into one cue then put it on the wall because it looks better than it plays.
A 26 yo male who is not collecting toys--it simply boggles the mind!?! Paraphrasing from the classical "He who dies with the most toys wins" line. No disrespect intended.
I understand that the cue does not make the shooter but if that were completely true than why aren't tournaments played with house cues?
Because it takes dozens to hundreds of hours to learn a cue to the point where you can use all of the cue, in the most pressure packed shot of your life. Now, if you used that same house cue every time you entered that pool hall, then you could indeed shoot tournament level pool with a house cue.
When you get into pressure packed situations, you mind is thinking about all sorts of stuff other than potting the ball (it should not be, but it is). At these points in time, muscle memory is driving the shot (not the mind) and your muscles better be in tune with the cue or you'll be history.
Fenwick on 8/3/2012 12:42:03 AM
I think something else is going on. Tough times and perhaps in need of cash? A cue is not a toy; it's a tool and one never sells tools! My Father.
Like Mitch said you'll lose money. You hardly have a collection. I still have a cue from the 60's. I'm down to 4 cues and I'd rather give one away to someone in need then sell it. I've given 2 away to someone in need already.
If you do sell them he will always regret it IMHO. I've been down and I've sold a car and a boat to make ends meet but never a tool or a cue. When times were tough my Father In-Law gave me a good piece of advice when I asked, I don't know what to do when the depression in the 80's caused me to be down on my luck.. "Survive."
If you decide to sell come back and if need be I'll do my best to fine a buyer. Not a promise but I'll try my best.
Think on it for a while and get back to us please.
Girl trying to help Pool HallJunkie BF!
- Title: Girl trying to help Pool HallJunkie BF!
- Author: ResidentElle
- Published: 7/30/2012 11:17:48 AM