ID 3-Piece "Glamour" Pool Cue with a Ship Logo
1/15/2020 5:34:21 AM
ID 3-Piece "Glamour" Pool Cue with a Ship Logo
Can you help me identify a 3-piece pool cue with the logo of a sailing ship on the butt and the word "Glamour" on the forearm?
I don't know anything about this cue.
If someone can help me find out its brand, year, and market value it would be very helpful.
ID 3-Piece "Glamour" Pool Cue with a Ship Logo
Replies & Comments
user1706184011 on 1/25/2024 7:00:12 AM
I would love to know the ID on this cue.
Any success yet?
ID 3-Piece "Glamour" Pool Cue with a Ship Logo
- Title: ID 3-Piece "Glamour" Pool Cue with a Ship Logo
- Author: Gabriel N Lima (Gabriel Nobrega)
- Published: 1/15/2020 5:34:21 AM
- Last Updated: 1/16/2020 2:29:19 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)