Minnesota Fats Challenger Pool Cue Value
2/20/2018 8:34:31 PM
Minnesota Fats Challenger Pool Cue Value
I found this Minnesota Fats Challenger pool cue.
It has a solid piece pink ivory at the bottom of the cue, a brass center and is in excellent condition.
It was given to my brother in 1960. I would like to know what kind of value it has.
Thank you,
Minnesota Fats Challenger Pool Cue Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/20/2018 9:16:10 PM
Thanks for uploading the pictures of the Minnesota Fats Challenger pool cue.
I don't recognize this one right at the moment, but I will keep a look-out. Once I can nail down the brand and model we can begin to appraise it for value.
sergio8ball on 2/21/2018 10:59:15 PM
That cue is made by Abe rich I have a cue almost identical to that one except that was probably a cue commemorating pool player minssota fats
See the cue with the brown striped wrap same cue you have.
RUSTY on 12/16/2018 5:03:34 AM
Wow very nice cues.
I looking at a wrapless version of the same cue on eBay. Without the wrap, I don't really know the value.
Any input?
sergio8ball on 12/16/2018 10:20:39 AM
The cue in pic is a rich cue I have the same cue but with wrap
Fourth cue from the right...
RUSTY on 12/16/2018 11:56:07 AM
That is my understanding as well.
A straight wrap-less cue with no joint roll lift is also a rarity from what I understand. These were the earliest Rich-Q cues made in the early 1960's. They feature finely polished brass and a pointed pin and this distinguishes them as the earliest versions from what I've heard.
The current value is what I do not know. Do you have any clue on what they're worth in pristine condition?
sergio8ball on 12/16/2018 12:09:19 PM
They are not worth much. The "plain Jane" ones like mine and yours maybe worth between $100 to $150. I paid $140 for mine. I took it to Proficient Billiards and Scot Sherbine said I paid more than the cue is worth. If it's a really fancy one it could be worth up to $500.
RUSTY on 12/16/2018 12:51:11 PM
I didn't realize Proficient Billiards did cue appraisal as it isn't listed in their services. They do nice refinish repair work but nothing on giving cue value.
Yes; It is just a plain unwrapped cue but considering it's age and the availability on the market, I think it would be worth more. I can't even find another wrap-less version to compare it to for a price as they seem to all be dried up (minus some warped Abe Cues). For 50 plus years old it's definitely stood it's test of time. Personally I think the value of the wrap-less version would be worth a little more as no repair can be done without wrapping to fix a bad butt end and this cue is tapered so there isn't much to trim if it was warped. So in my opinion I think they would have better value.
I could just let it sit in my closet for 50 years. LOL. Who knows.
sergio8ball on 12/16/2018 2:00:22 PM
He didn't do a full appraisal on the cue, he just told me what he thought it was worth.
Also in the Blue Book of Pool Cues, it isn't worth much.
RUSTY on 12/16/2018 2:54:22 PM
The Blue Book of Cues is an opinion. They're all opinions and that's the problem. Cue collectors want prime pieces for pennies on the dollar and what makes it even a sadder fact is that a lot of them are cue makers and would utterly be disgusted if you wanted their services or cues for pennies on the dollar.
The cue market is flooded and you can't even list anything anymore. Make one mistake and you're owned and at the mercy of a buyer.
Cue makers and collectors set the prices and sadly because of so many cues are being sold on eBay as "Vintage" or "Unknown" it hurts the resale market.
Would you sell me yours for 50 bucks? Just like the Brunswick Hoppe cue I am selling that is unopened, which is a rarity. I had a person offer me $350, and I told them no thank you. Their response was even more priceless as they claimed to have a 100 of them. Well if that's the case why would you want mine? He may have 100 of them but does he have a new-in-box cue? I'm thinking no.
The Blue Book of Pool Cues is great for information as the extended history of cues can't be matched elsewhere, but the valuation part of it has given unrealistic expectations. I think that's why they're now offline. Price as to what some would value a cue should be low, are high in the Blue Book, and some that are low, I believe should be higher.
Like I had said I don't have to sell my things but I keep what I like and sell cues I think will go to a better home, as I don't consider myself a "serious cue collector".
I did talk to the cousin that is selling off Abe's cues and he has verified it is a Rich-Q original and said he'd kindly provide proof if needed. He agreed that the secondary market (and eBay in general) has become a terrible market.
Thank you for your input on the value, and have a great afternoon. I appreciate that value in an of itself is in the eye of any given person. I restore classic autos for a living (for over 26 years now). One guy will spend $40,000 on a classic, whereas another guy wouldn't spend $5000. It is all in the interest and in what you want personally as a collector.
RUSTY on 12/17/2018 12:24:09 PM
So if they're not worth much, then what does the BB of cues list them at in the book?
I'd like to see the page if you don't mind sharing? Again I don't own a BB and It seems subscription is no longer available, so do you mind sharing a page from the book as far a what they suppose it's worth?
I wouldn't want to gouge people on the price as I follow the market and also take in consideration how many I see available, it's condition, straightness, and it's production numbers.
billiardsforum on 12/17/2018 2:23:10 PM
Your particular model isn't specifically listed in the Blue Book.
In that case you default to the "Secondary Market Values" table for Rich Q cues. Your cue is considered a "level 2" complexity (the lowest) based on the Blue Book's definitions.
"Level 2" Rich Q cues are priced at between $115 and $255 provided they have one original straight and playable shaft.
- Leather wraps add $125.
- Additional straight playable shafts, add $95
If we want to debate Blue Book's merits (or lack thereof), or it's relevancy in today's market (almost 15 years since it was last updated), then please start a new thread.
Bottom line is that it's a very basic cue, and there are plenty of near-mint Abe Rich / Rich Q cues out there. Demand isn't really all that high for them, and thus, they don't command a great deal of money. And yes, that is just my opinion, and I wish you luck in getting the most you can for the cue.
RUSTY on 12/17/2018 7:54:22 PM
There is no debating Blue Book of Pool Cues. Like I have stated the information is overwhelming just from what I've seen.
I do not think It's worth a $1000 or even $500 and yes the fact that you can still buy Abe's cues online, brand new, is actually hurting the value of his cues overall. So until the remainder is sold off prices will remain low. No one knows how many the family found in his building new and unused as he was indeed a hoarder when it came to wood and cue making materials from what I've read. He wouldn't part with anything except finished cues via pick-up only, so he kept his market small.
I was just trying to get an idea of a fair price for the cue. I don't gouge people so I try to price fairly and still be able to pay my fees and come out a few bucks ahead. I've overpaid for cues and underpaid for cues, so it evens itself eventually.
I pulled the listing as there seems to be to much confusion around the pointed pin that my cue has (whereas the others all have flat end pins ).
There seems to be a huge difference in age regarding the pin as some of the eBay buyers chimed in. One claims it's the a very early Rich-Q, and another fellow claims it's a Murrey and Sons cue from California as he has the same cue bought from Mecca Pool and Billiards hall in the late 1950's. Murrey and Sons seems to be a whole other story in itself, with pool table contracts from the government, stolen cues, bumper tables, and regular tables, etc.
My cue did come from Santa Monica, CA.
So, does anyone know anything about Murrey cues? I don't know what to believe now, LOL. Gotta love the confusion.
Minnesota Fats Challenger Pool Cue Value
- Title: Minnesota Fats Challenger Pool Cue Value
- Author: user1519176871
- Published: 2/20/2018 8:34:31 PM
- Last Updated: 3/26/2021 3:09:53 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)