Proficient Billiards Ephrata PA
Proficient Billiards Ephrata PA
Proficient Billiards Address
- Lancaster County
- Timezone: EST
Other cue sport businesses at this address:
Alternate Names
- Proficient Billiards Pool Cue Repair and Supplies
Contact Proficient Billiards
Reach Proficient Billiards using the contact info below:
Proficient Billiards Ephrata Phone Number
- (717) 478-8283 (Proficient Billiards Phone Number)
Proficient Billiards Website
- (Proficient Billiards Contact Email Address)
Proficient Billiards Facebook
Proficient Billiards Twitter
Logos for Proficient Billiards of Ephrata, PA
Proficient Billiards Ephrata, PA logos. These are past and current logos and trademarks used by Proficient Billiards Cue Repair and Sales out of Ephrata, PA.

A logo from Proficient Billiards in Ephrata, PA.

A Proficient Billiards logo. Proficient Billiards is a cue repair and billiard supply shop based out of Ephrata, PA.
Proficient Billiards Location Ephrata, PA
Store photos of Proficient Billiards Ephrata, PA.
Proficient Billiards Ephrata - Billiard Services
Whether you are looking for cue repair or cue refinishing work or to purchase a cue (new or used), Proficient Billiards is here to assist.
I have refinished a variety of cues ranging from the most common to the exotic. No job is too big or too small. Some examples of cues that I have refinished are: original Balabushka, Frank Coster, Joss West, Burton Spain, Szamboti, Palmer, Omega, Southwest, Meucci, Schon, Runde, Doc Fry, Espiritu, Viking, Ted Harris, Tim Scruggs, McDermott, Robert Weire, Joss, Black Boar, Joe Porper, Judd, Weston, Coker, and many more. The refinish work that is done here is satisfaction guaranteed and second to none. Simply put, you will not find better finish work for a lesser price.
Proficient Billiards Ephrata Business Information
Proficient Billiards Ephrata Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Scot Sherbine | Owner, Master Cue Repair Technician |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
- Title: Proficient Billiards Ephrata
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 12/17/2018 3:02:28 AM
- Last Updated: 12/17/2018 3:59:41 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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