ID a Possibly Early 1970s Brunswick Cue?
8/13/2023 1:49:45 PM
ID a Possibly Early 1970s Brunswick Cue?
This pool cue came with a leather Brunswick cue case but there are no markings on the cue itself.
Could it be a Brunswick pool cue from the early 1970s?
Could this be a RichQ?
Any help would be appreciated!
ID a Possibly Early 1970s Brunswick Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/5/2023 8:11:31 AM
Interesting find.
Nothing turned up in any catalogs I have, neither Brunswick nor Rich Q (nor Florida Cue).
I'll keep my eyes open for it, and will let you know if anything turns up. Please do the same if you have any luck on your end in identifying the cue!
ID a Possibly Early 1970s Brunswick Cue?
- Title: ID a Possibly Early 1970s Brunswick Cue?
- Author: KCCC
- Published: 8/13/2023 1:49:45 PM
- Last Updated: 10/5/2023 8:00:24 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)