Identifying a cue
10/26/2014 2:36:13 AM
Identifying a cue
hello there people My am Moe am 23 years old, i never thought i would love to play pool someday, i started playing recently when i was in the UK detention the table was mid sized and the balls were all red and yellow, i learned to play the way of thinking some tricks and tips and i do enjoy it, recently when i got back to my country i remembered i had a cue from a friend of mine 3 years ago so i took but i can not identify its manufacturer, i tried using it and it is beautiful. i just need to know its and what is its use as if it is a playing cue or breaking cue or anyother these are pictures i took of the cue
as you can see it says TITANIUM and down it says knight shot it also says composite of fibreglass and graphite, i tried searching for it online but i couldnt find anything about it thanks in advance
Identifying a cue
Replies & Comments
Ziggy_Lee on 10/26/2014 8:06:42 AM
Hello Moe, I found a website you might want to look at. Here's the link Best of luck in your search.
Identifying a cue
- Title: Identifying a cue
- Author: MoeGraff
- Published: 10/26/2014 2:36:13 AM